Saying goodbye to an ailing pet is never easy. Our goal is to help your pet transition as peacefully as possible in the privacy of your own home.
Compassionate In Home Euthanasia
Serving the greater Los Angeles area and limited areas of Ventura County
Services Offered
In Home Euthanasia +/- aftercare services
Quality of Life Consultations (in home or via phone)
Transport of Deceased Pets
Premium Paws Package
In Home Euthanasia
Your pets ashes returned with a personalized paw print and fur clipping
Optional engraving (+ $40)
$975 - $1850 +/- travel fees
Standard Paw Package
In Home Euthanasia
Your pets ashes returned with a personalized paw print and fur clipping
Standard biodegradable urn included
$875 - $1475 +/- travel fees*
Communal Care
In Home Euthanasia
Doctor transports your pet for aftercare with no ashes returned
Clay paw print and fur clipping available for an additional fee
$575 - $950 +/- travel fees*
Euthanasia Only
In Home Euthanasia
For families who have their own aftercare arrangements
$475 - 575 +/- travel fees*
Quality of Life Consultation
Phone Consult (30 min - $100)
Sometimes you just need to speak to another person about what is ailing your pet, to help determine if his/her quality of life is declining. During this conversation we will go over your individual concerns and help with these difficult decisions, and answer any questions you have regarding the home euthanasia process. We will discuss your pet's condition, quality of life, and set up an in person visit if needed. Please be aware that medications can *not* be prescribed during this call.
In Home Consult (1 hour - $350 +/- travel fees)
If you need an in-home evaluation to assess your pet's quality of life, Dr. Chan can come in person to help you with this for a nominal fee. If we determine during that visit it is time to say goodbye, this fee will be applied to the euthanasia services.
*NO* medical treatments are given or prescribed at this appointment - it is strictly to discuss quality of life and euthanasia.
*Additional fees may be applied for same day requests, after hours, or if additional transport services are required
***Fees are subject to change without notice***

How do I know when it's time?
Deciding when it's time to say goodbye can be hard to determine. Quality of Life is a large factor in determine the answer to this question, and it includes many factors such as whether or not your pet is suffering, if he/she is still eating, whether there are more good days than bad, etc.
A few suggestions that may help you:
- Remember how your pet looked and behaved prior to the illness. Sometimes changes are gradual, and therefore hard to recognize. Look at photos or videos of your pet from before the illness.
- Mark good and bad days on a calendar. Some may choose to distinguish morning from evening.This could be as simple as a happy or sad face for good or bad. If the bad days start to outweigh the good, it may be time to make a decision.
- Write a concrete list of three to five things your pet likes to do. When your pet is no longer able to enjoy these things, it may be time to discuss euthanasia.
- If you still find it difficult to determine your pet's Quality of Life, you may want to complete the Quality of Life Scale.
If you are not familiar with this scale it is a list of questions that helps put into perspective what type of day to day quality your pet has.
Quality of Life for you as a pet owner is also important - if you feel that you need help determining this please consider a phone consult with Dr. Chan. Please contact us if you would like a free copy of one of the Quality of Life scales that we use.
How is the procedure performed?
A gentle sedative injection under the skin is typically given prior to euthanasia to allow your pet to relax and be as comfortable as possible. A temporary catheter is then placed once your pet is sedate. The remaining medications are typically given through a small temporary catheter in your pet’s paw or leg. There are some cases where this is not possible, in which case Dr. Chan will explain any alternative that may happen.
What mementos are available?
A complimentary paw print of your pet’s paw is included with all private cremations, but mementos are also available with communal aftercare. Additional paw prints can be purchased for an additional fee. Other mementos include ink prints of your pet’s paw or nose, or laser engraved onto a pendant. We are happy to show you photos of these options
Do I need to purchase an urn?
With our Premium Paw Package, you have a choice of a photo urn, or a handmade brass urn.
The Standard Paw Package includes an environmentally friendly box urn.
Additional urns are available for an additional cost
How long before I get my pet’s ashes back?
The return time for ashes is 2-4 weeks. The purchase of any additional mementos or a special urn may prolong the return time.
How do I get my pet’s ashes back?
Ashes will be shipped directly to you at no charge, or you have the option of picking them up in person, however office hours in San Fernando Valley are limited to 9a-2p once weekly.
Hand delivery is also available in select areas, for an additional fee (ranging from $50-175)